

Definition of Acceptance Test Driven Development



What are the key steps involved in ATDD?


The key steps involved in ATDD are:

  • Collaboration among developers, testers, and business stakeholders to define acceptance criteria.
  • Creation of acceptance tests before the development starts, based on the agreed-upon criteria.
  • Development of the feature or user story, guided by the acceptance tests.
  • Continuous Integration to ensure that code changes are automatically tested against the acceptance tests.
  • Refinement of the acceptance tests as necessary, to address changes in requirements or understanding.
  • Test Execution to validate that the software meets the agreed-upon acceptance criteria.
  • Review and Feedback from stakeholders to confirm that the acceptance tests cover the desired functionality and behavior.
  • Iteration through these steps as needed until the feature meets the acceptance criteria.

Acceptance tests are typically automated to facilitate frequent execution and regression testing. The tests are written in a language that is understandable by all parties involved, often using Behavior Driven Development (BDD) frameworks like Cucumber or SpecFlow. This ensures that the tests serve as both specification and validation.

Feature: User login
  Scenario: Valid login
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter valid credentials
    Then I should be redirected to the dashboard

Effective ATDD requires a strong collaboration culture, clear communication, and a commitment to quality from all team members.


  • 定义测试条件和范围
  • 写用例
  • 根据用例来写代码
  • 重复上面的步骤
  • 根据需求变更来修改用例
  • 根据用例进行测试
  • 根据客户的反馈来判断用例是否覆盖了全部的需求
  • 重复上面的步骤,直到产品交付




  • 这个wiki的内容非常全面,大部分常见的软件测试内容基本上里面都有涵盖
  • 里面的内容的准确性需要自己评估,毕竟世界上没有完全正确的观点
  • 适合入门以及转码的小伙伴仔细研读,主要关注跟测试流程相关的部分
  • 高手和有经验的同学可以用来查缺补漏
  • 面试之前可以突击看一下,一些高级岗位可以重点关注里面跟指标相关的部分